Bibleworks 7 fix
Bibleworks 7 fix

bibleworks 7 fix

bibleworks 7 fix

Other subsets of key terms are easy to generate using a script. Right click and select "Save link as." or equivalent. These files will also be available in future editions of Bibledit (after but not including 4.10). You can download the appropriate file and use the keyterm import function to load them into your Bibledit. If you want to do checks on key terms from that list but only focus on a particular section of the canon, say the poetic books or the gospels, these keyterm sets will help you do that. These are subsets of the larger Bibles International key terms lists. Keyterms index window now properly remembers its scroll position so when you jump "back" to the index, you can easily find where you left off last time.The changes should be self-explanatory once you see them. The project comparison dialog box has changed slightly to be more clear as to what project is the base project. Fix bugs in Find and Project Comparison.Bibledit now includes several reference Bibles-the Byzantine Greek text (Pierpont/Robinson) and SBL Greek New Testament, as well as the Lexham English Bible.Faster key term loading, faster Bible import.


New video on how to re-create your Bibledit-Desktop icon in Windows if you somehow lose it.New cross-reference database in the Analysis window.Re-organized documentation available at GitHub.Fixes to cross-reference database (generator script had some bugs).Preparation for moving to gtk3 libraries.Partial fix of auto-scrolling problem when navigating to a verse.Fixes for French language interface on Windows internationalized stylesheet.French translation update and stylesheet internationalization.Further preparatory work for repeated phrase checking tool.All dialog boxes and assistant windows have transient_parent set.Fix Bibleworks export to put out Windows-1252 codepage character set (it was exporting some 2-byte characters).Add English Majority Text version to the Analysis window.What's New?Find out what you are missing if you have an old version of Bibledit-Desktop.

Bibleworks 7 fix